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Lace jewelry by Pam Crouch    
Miniature Fan by Pam Crouch  Miniature Fan
Decorated Pink Shirt by Pam Crouch
Bobbin Lace Earrings by Pam Crouch
Bobbin lace Heart by Pam Crouch
Tatted Edging by Pam Crouch
Swedish Weaving by Pam Crouch
Back of Christmas Tree by Pam Crouch
Lace decorated Christmas Tree by Pam Crouch
Fan by Eleanor Suverison
Fan by Eleanor Suverison (back side)
Fan by Eleanor Suverison (front side)
State Fair Entries by Pam Crouch
Lace by Pam Crouch
Red Hat that took 9 months to complete by Pam Crouch.

Way to go Pam!
Travel Pillow made by Pam Crouch
Clay spider divider pins by Pam Crouch
Boaster Pillow by Pam Crouch
 2006 lace Christmas Heart by Pam Crouch
Lace Heart and edging by Pam Crouch
Monogram for a wedding hanky by Pam Crouch
Lace by Pam Crouch
Twin Spiders by Pam Crouch
May baskets made by Christy Holtkamp
We had the opportunity to take a class in Bayeux Lace.  Here is the book, and following are some examples.
Bayeux Lace samples worked by Lise Thomsen
The patterns are getting more complex!










More Bayeux Lace by Lise Thomsen

Still more Bayeux Lace by Lise.  (She did all her homework!)
Lise Thomsen is a member of the "Red Hat Society" and needed a red hat of course. She knitted one.
Lee Goodheer loves her two adopted greyhounds and has learned how to make her own bobbinlace design in Lise Thomsen's class at the HLG retreat in May.
Judy Blunier has successfully completed the first two levels in the HLG 1000 Leaves & Tallies Club with these two Bedfordshire projects.




Carmen Richardville's knitted angel is still knitting on her second wing.
Lace handkerchief made by Cindy Hawthorne for her soon to be daughter-in-law to carry at her wedding.
Hanky corner worked by Cindy Hawthorne.